Memory Cafe
Right at Home Boston Northwest sponsors the Memory Café in Bedford, MA
Being involved with Memory Cafés follows our mission of keeping individuals as independent as possible, while providing a safe space to those who may need some socialization. Danielle “Dee” Franks, RN, with Right At Home Boston Northwest, facilitates the Memory Café in Bedford, MA.
Need help right now? Call us anytime at
(781) 275-1400

What is a Memory Cafe?
A memory café is a welcoming place for people with Dementia, forgetfulness or other changes in their thinking and for their caregivers, family and friends. Memory cafes meet at a variety of places including coffeehouses, museums, senior centers or community centers. Each memory café is different, some may offer education about memory changes, others may invite guest artists. One thing all cafes share are the goals of helping guests feel comfortable and to know that they are not alone. Cafes are a place to talk with others who understand what you are going through, to leave behind limitations and instead focus on strengths, to enjoy other’s company, and to explore something new.
Bedford Memory Café
Please come and enjoy refreshments, sensory-stimulating activities and supportive socializing in a stigma free atmosphere.
- Date: Third Friday of the month
- Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm
- Location: Bedford Council On Aging 12 Mudge Way, Bedford, MA 01730
- Cost: FREE
- RSVP: No

Please note, we do ask attendees to bring their care partners, and you are welcome to attend as many cafes as you wish!
For more information about Memory Cafes, please call Amy at 978-505-3779 or email [email protected].
For a list of Memory Cafes in Massachusetts, please visit the Directory of Memory Cafes.