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Local Resources for Seniors and Adults with Disabilities in the Chesterfield, VA Area

When counseling families about their loved ones, you can never have too much information. The following links can help in almost any situation of any client or constituent. If you'd like more information on a particular topic or if you need help in determining the best plan for someone in your care, simply contact us at (804) 715-4607. We'd be happy to assist you in any way possible.

Resources for Seniors and Adults with Disabilities in Chesterfield, VA & Surrounding Areas

Caregiver Connection – a support group helping to address the needs of those caring for an adult with physical or cognitive deterioration, usually a parent or spouse.

Centenarian Club – recognizes residents that are aged 100 and more.

Chesterfield Cooperative Extension 6807 Mimms Loop P. O. Box 146 Chesterfield, VA 23832 (804) 751-4401 phone (804) 751-0515 fax. The Extension Office offers an extensive list of publications as well as services that help improve the quality of life. Most information is free. Some work-shops require a modest fee to attend.

Chesterfield Council on Aging Resource Directory

For more information, contact the Office of the Senior Advocate at 804-768-7878 or via email at [email protected]

Chesterfield CountyDisabilityServices Board P. O. Box 520 Chesterfield, VA 23832 (804) 768-7878

Chesterfield Health Department P. O. Box 100 9501 Lucy Corr Circle Chesterfield, VA 23832 Telephone: (804) 748-1691
  • MEDICAID NURSING HOME PRE-SCREENING In cooperation with the Department of Social Services, people who are requesting nursing home placement and anticipate using Medicaid as a payment source are screened to determine the level of care needed. This screening is free of charge. Phone (804) 748-1975. 
  • INFLUENZA AND PNEUMOCOCCAL IMMUNIZATION PROGRAM Annually, October through December, influenza (flu) and pneumococcal immunizations are available for older adults, aged 65 years and over, and to other individuals identified as being in a high-risk group. Pneumococcal immunizations are not indicated annually. These immunizations are offered at clinics located at the Health Department. Fees vary according to the cost of the vaccine. Phone (804) 748-1975
  • COMMUNICABLE DISEASE PROGRAM Provides identification and investigation of outbreaks, routine immunizations and immunizations required for travel. Phone (804) 748-1975
  • COMMUNITY HEALTH INFORMATION Provides information and services to promote health in the community. Phone (804) 748-1743
  • ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Management of environmental complaints, well and septic system evaluations, public food establishment evaluations, consultation services and rabies control. Phone (804) 748-1610
  • VITAL STATISTICS Issues death certificates. Phone (804) 748-1691

Chesterfield Mental Health/ Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services P. O. Box 92 6801 Lucy Corr Boulevard Chesterfield, VA 23832 Telephone (804) 748-1227 Fax (804) 768-9283 TDD (804) 768-7200 Office hours: Monday thru Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. CRISIS PHONE # 748-6356 

Kinship Connection – a support group for grandparents raising their grandchildren and other kin raising a child.

Lawyers Helping Seniors Day – legal documents are prepared free for eligible older adults.

Senior Ambassador Program – older adults learn about county resources and programs during this eight week session.

Senior Volunteer Hall of Fame – recognizes significant volunteer work of older adults since attaining the age of 60 (lowered from 65 in 2015).

Telephone Reassurance Program – volunteers make phone calls to older adults and in

Senior Safety in Chesterfield, Virginia & Surrounding Areas Adult Protective Services/Elder Abuse

Central Virginia Task Force on Domestic Violence in Later Life -------------- (804) 828-1525 VA Center on Aging, VCU, P.O. Box 980229, Richmond, VA 23298 

Chesterfield-Colonial Heights Department of Social Services ----------------- (748) 1100-9501 Lucy Corr Circle, P. O. Box 430, Chesterfield, VA 23832

Crater District Area Agency on Aging --------------------------------------------- 804-732-7020 23 Seyler Drive, Petersburg, VA 23805 

Office of the State Long Term Care Ombudsman ----------------------------------- (804) 565-1600 24 East Cary Street, Suite 100, Richmond, VA 23219 --------------------------- 800-552-3402

Senior Connections, The Capital Area Agency on Aging ----------------------- (804) 343-3000 24 East Cary Street, Richmond, VA 23219 ----------------------------------------- 800-989-2286 

SeniorNavigator’s Take Back Your Life Solution Center ------------------------- (804) 525-7728 A web-based resource/solution center to help victims of domestic violence in later life. 7501 Boulders View Drive, Suite 201, Richmond, VA 23225 

Advocacy Relating To Older Or Disabled Adults in Chesterfield, Virginia & Surrounding Areas


707 East Main Street, Suite 910, Richmond, VA 23219



P. O. Box 520, Chesterfield, VA 23832



23 Seyler Drive, Petersburg, VA 23805



24 East Cary Street, Suite 100, Richmond, VA 23219 --------------------------- 800-552-3402



24 East Cary Street, Richmond, VA 23219 ----------------------------------------- 800-989-2286



Toll Free Number -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 800- 938-8885


Chesterfield YWCA Hotline ----------------------------------------------------------------- 796-3066



24 East Cary Street, Suite 100, Richmond, VA 23219



Toll Free Number --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 800-552-3402

1610 Forest Avenue, Suite 100, Richmond, VA 23229



1910 Byrd Avenue, Suite 5, Richmond, VA 23230--- ---------------------- TTY/TDD 225-2042



Hotline ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 643-0888

6th North 5th Street, Richmond, VA 23219


Alzheimer’s and Other Dementias Resources in Chesterfield, Virginia & Surrounding Areas

Alzheimer’s Association, Greater Richmond Chapter ----------------------------- 967-2580

4600 Cox Road, Suite 130, Glen Allen, VA 23060

Helpline -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 967-2589

Toll Free -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 800-272-3900

Alzheimer’s Support Group Information (meeting locations) --------------------- 967-2580

Alzheimer’s Association, Tri-Cities Branch ------------------------------------- 804-526-2359

201 Temple Avenue, Suite E, Colonial Heights, VA 23834

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(804) 715-4607

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