Nobody knows exactly what to expect from their aging journey. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you don’t know what tomorrow will bring. The good news is, you don’t have to go through it alone.
Right at Home exists to be your guide to successful living at home. Whether you’re looking for tips on aging in place, a guide to transitional care after a hospital stay, or information on any other aging topic, we're here to help. We use our decades of experience and partnerships with experts worldwide to guide you each step of the way. Take some time to browse through our articles, guides and videos, knowing that you have a trusted guide to help you through it all.
Popular Topics

Paying for In-Home Care
Learn about the many options available to pay for ongoing home care services.

Veterans Care Support
Learn how qualifying veterans and their surviving spouses can fund needed home care services.
Senior Centers
Delaware County Senior Services - https://www.mysourcepoint.org/
Hilliard Senior Center - http://hilliardohio.gov/play/phyllis-ernst-senior-center
Berlin Township Senior Center - http://blendontwp.org/gov/depts/senior.htm
Westerville Senior Center - https://parks.westerville.org/facilities/senior-center
Upper Arlington Senior Center - http://www.uaoh.net/department/index.php?structureid=32
Worthington Senior Center - http://www.worthington.org/241/Griswold-Center
Gahanna Senior Center - https://www.gahanna.gov/seniorcenter/
Local Resources
Ohio Counsel for Home Care and Hospice: https://www.ochch.org/
Parkinson’s Foundation: http://www.parkinson.org/ohio
Franklin County Office on Aging
Address : 280 East Broad Street Room 300
City : Columbus
State : OH
Zip : 43215
Website : http://www.officeonaging.org
Office Phone : (614) 525-6200
Information Phone : (614) 525-6200
Languages : English
Description : Information and Referral. Senior Options county senior services program home delivered meals, homemaker services, personal care, respite care, adult day care, emergency response systems, minor home repair, transportation, Caregiver Support Program.
Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging
Address : 3776 South High Street
City : Columbus
State : OH
Zip : 43207
Website : http://www.coaaa.org
Contact Email : [email protected]
Office Phone : (614) 645-7250
Information Phone : (800) 589-7277
National Toll Free Phone : (800) 589-7277
Languages : English
Description : Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging services include care management for long term care services and supports, Franklin County senior services program, Volunteer Guardian Program, Caregiver Support services, direct line (866) 750-2273, and Assisted Living Medicaid Waiver. Offers free Long term Care Consultations, Medicare education and assistance, and professional and community education.
Hours : 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Eastern Time Monday to Friday
Ohio Department of Aging
Address : 246 North High Street 1st Floor
City : Columbus
State : OH
Zip : 43215
Website : http://www.aging.ohio.gov/home/
Contact Email : [email protected]
Office Phone : (866) 243-5678
Information Phone : (866) 243-5678
State Phone : (866) 243-5678
Ohio Elder Abuse Reporting Directory
State Phone : (855) 644-6277
Languages : English
Description : When calling the statewide APS referral line, one should be prepared to enter on the keypad the first 4 letters of the county where the suspected abuse occurred. Or stay on the line to speak to an operator. It will connect you the county's APS.
Office of the State Long-term Care Ombudsman
Website : https://aging.ohio.gov/Ombudsman
Information Phone : (800) 282-1206
State Phone : (800) 282-1206
Languages : English
Ohio State Legal Services Association (OSLSA)
Address : 555 Buttles Avenue
City : Columbus
State : OH
Zip : 43215
Website : http://www.ohiolegalservices.org/oslsa
Office Phone : (614) 221-7201
Information Phone : (614) 221-7201
National Toll Free Phone : (800) 589-5888
Languages : English
Description : The Legal Aid Society of Columbus' legal experience includes but is not limited to: Loss or denial of public benefits Medicaid and Medicare, Unemployment compensation, Evictions, Foreclosures, Domestic Violence, Child Custody, Consumer Issues, Garnishments and attachments, Defending against guardianships, Landlord and tenant dissolutions, Divorce, Bankruptcies, Wills.
Special Notes : For low-income elders.
Source Point
Address : 800 Cheshire Road Suite A
City : Delaware
State : OH
Zip : 43015
Website : http://www.mysourcepoint.org
Contact Email : [email protected]
Office Phone : (740) 363-6677
Information Phone : (740) 363-6677
National Toll Free Phone : (800) 994-2255
Languages : English
Description : Coordinates home and community based services offered through In Home Care Services. Offers consultation around Medicare, Insurance, and Prescription Assistance. Offers Caregiver educational programming and support.
National Resources
AARP is a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to addressing the needs and interests of persons 50 and older. Site provides useful information and resources on topics such as: health and wellness; economic security and work; long-term care and independent living; and personal enrichment.
Website: http://www.aarp.org
American Society on Aging
The American Society on Aging is a nonprofit organization committed to enhancing the knowledge and skills of those working with older adults and their families. Site offers useful resources on a variety of aging-related topics.
Website: http://www.asaging.org
National Council on the Aging
The National Council on the Aging is an association of organizations and professionals dedicated to promoting the dignity, self-determination, well being, and contributions of older persons. The For Older Adults section of the site contains health related resources and tips.
Website: http://www.ncoa.org
AbleData is a federally funded project that provides unbiased information on assisted technology and rehabilitation equipment.
Website: http://www.abledata.com/
Alzheimer’s Association
Site contains information on the disease and helpful materials for caregivers. The Association also operates a 24/7 helpline.
Website: www.alz.org
Phone: 1-800-272-3900
American Cancer Society
The Society provides information on all aspects of cancer through a toll-free information line, web site, and published materials.
Website: www.cancer.org
Phone: 1-800-ACS-2345
American Diabetes Association
Site contains basic information on diabetes and healthy living advice and tips.
Website: www.diabetes.org
American Heart Association
Site contains very useful information on heart disease and stroke prevention.
Website: www.americanheart.org
Phone: 1-800-AHA-USA-1
American Psychological Association
Site contains a Help Center that provides consumer information on mental health issues and concerns.
Website: www.apa.org/helpcenter
American Stroke Association
Consumer information for stroke prevention and care of someone following a stroke.
Website: www.strokeassociation.org
Arthritis Foundation
Site and 800 number provides general information and resources on arthritis.
Website: http://www.arthritis.org/
Telephone: tel:1-800-568-4045
National Mental Health Association
Site contains fact sheets and other materials related to mental health issues.
National Osteoporosis Foundation
Consumer and professional information on bone health and osteoporosis.
Website: www.nof.org
National Parkinson Foundation
Site provides consumer and advocacy information related to Parkinson’s disease.
Website: www.parkinson.org
Su Familia: The National Hispanic Family Health Helpline
Service offers free reliable and confidential health information in Spanish and English. Call toll free Monday through Friday 9 am to 6 pm Eastern Standard Time.
Website: http://www.hispanichealth.org/
Telephone: 1-866-Su-Familia (1-866-783-2645)
VisionAware/American Foundation for the Blind
The American Foundation for the Blind works to expand possibilities so people with vision loss can achieve their full potential. VisionAware is a website designed for older adults.
End of Life and Hospice Resources
Caring Connections
Caring Connections, a program of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO), is a national consumer and community engagement initiative to improve care at the end of life. The program offers a website (www.caringinfo.org/) and a HelpLine (800-658-8898).
Hospice Foundation of America
The website (www.hospicefoundation.org) contains useful information on grief and links to other end-of-life resources.
End of Life: Helping With Comfort and Care
This publication from the National Institute on Aging provides an overview of issues commonly facing people caring for someone nearing the end of life.
Getting Your Affairs in Order
This publication from the National Institute on Aging provides steps for getting your affairs in order in case of illness or other life threatening situation.