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Caregiver helping senior out of car. Caregiver helping senior out of car.

14th Annual Resource Fair for Seniors

14th Annual Lawrence Area Partners in Aging


Tuesday, March 12, 2019 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m
Sports Pavilion at Rock Chalk Park

FREE! No cost to attend!

  • Freebies, handouts, brochures
  • Exhibits featuring a wide range of businesses and organizations
  • Drawings for grocery store gift cards – Courtesy of LAPA
  • Many vendor giveaways

Come by anytime between 9:00 and 1:00 to visit the booths and displays from local businesses and organizations that serve seniors in Douglas County.

This is the thirteenth annual event that seniors and their caregivers will be talking about all year. Don't miss it! For more information, call 785-832-0754 and ask for Michele Dillon or email [email protected]

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