Professional Development Opportunities
Nothing beats learning in a real life scenario. We pair up more experienced caregivers with less experienced caregivers that are servicing the same client, to improve care consistency and to develop competence and confidence of the caregiver receiving training. It also boosts the confidence and knowledge of the caregiver providing the training. It is truly a win-win situation for everybody.
Earn while you Learn

Don’t have current caregiving credentials in Washington State? No worries, if you are enrolled in a DSHS-approved Home Care Aide Certification training program then you could potentially qualify for higher pay work as a Personal Care Aide Trainee. We match earn-while-you-learn trainees to appropriate client situations to build up your caregiving skills and experience. You get an additional raise once you have successfully completed your certification.
Career Paths
Right at Home Northwest offers caregivers a career path, not just a job. Career Paths provide added job satisfaction through both personal growth and skill advancement. Further, these roles help prepare caregivers for other administrative roles if they are available. Right at Home Northwest has multiple career paths depending on interests and abilities of the Care Associate. Career paths are self-paced and at the option of the caregiver for participation.
The main career paths include: Homemaker Companion, Personal Care Aide, Cognitive Support Specialist, End of Life Care Specialist, Urgent Care Specialist, and Care Management, and Care Administration. As caregivers meet the requirements of the path, they can advance in level from Bronze to Silver, and then on to Gold, Platinum and Diamond level. Each level comes with formal recognition, additional compensation and in some cases additional benefits. Clearly established career paths allow you to master the skills and knowledge of professional caregiving and advance your career at the same time.
Career Specializations
In addition to Companion Care and Personal Care, Right at Home Northwest offers its clients three special caregiving specializations that require a special kind of caregiver with special skills and abilities:
1) Dementia and Cognitive Support – caregivers that are patient and compassionate and are skillful in dealing with clients with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. We also offer special training for person-centered cognitive support.
2) End of Life Care – caregivers that have the compassion and skills to support clients on hospice; providing respite to family members; and easing the passage.
3) Urgency Care - rapid response caregivers with a wide experience base that are quick to adapt to the situation.
Each specialization has recognized levels of competence and experience. As you progress through the levels you qualify for more complex care cases and your earnings increase as well.
Paid Training
Right at Home Northwest encourages and support life long-learning by offering up to 3 paid hours of training every three months – that’s 12 hours per year which, in many cases, can be used as CEUs for maintaining your professional caregiving credentials. Courses are available in person and online through Right at Home University. We also have a multiple in-service training workshops and support seminars. These are great opportunities to learn from more experienced caregivers and to get to know your colleagues at Right Home Northwest and other care professionals in the local care community.