We treat your loved one like family, offering respite for you and enhancing the caregiving experience. Learn More
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Vetarans Care

A Mission to Serve Our Veterans

As a veteran, you made sacrifices for our country. You were there for us when we needed you, now let us be there for you. Many veterans are unaware of the Veterans Aid & Attendance benefit. This benefit provides qualifying veterans and surviving spouses a pension amount issued by the VA that allows for eligible candidates and their surviving spouses to access non-medical in-home care services. This is but one of many possible benefits that senior veterans may have available to them from state and national programs.

Right at Home Utah Valley is proud to be among a few organizations in Utah approved to provide home-care and assistance to the VA Community Care Network. 

A Custom Care Plan Based on Your Needs

Right at Home Utah Valley's professional caregiving team will work with you to create a customized care plan based on your personal needs and match you with a caring and compatible caregiver. All of our caregivers are insured and bonded, and go through rigorous interviews, background checks, and professional training to ensure they meet our high standards of service and compassion. Right at Home provides the right care, when and where you need it.
Two Veterans Standing Shoulder to Shoulder Two Veterans Standing Shoulder to Shoulder

You May Qualify for Services Like:

We communicate with your healthcare providers on a regular basis to ensure your recovery is progressing as expected and notify them of any changes in your condition to head off any potential complications.
Discharge assistance
We get you home from the hospital, settled in and comfortable, so you can get started healing.
Medication reminders
Managing new medications is an important part of your recovery. Our caregivers make sure you take the medication you need, when you need it.
A line-art icon of a car.
If getting to the pharmacy, grocery store or appointments is a challenge, your recovery could be at risk. We provide transportation to get you where you need to be, so you can stay where you want to be: right at home.
Coordinate appointments
After a hospitalization, there can be a flurry of new appointments. Whether you need follow-up appointments with your general practitioner, a new specialist or a physical therapist, count on us to help you keep it all organized.
A line-art casserole pan.
Meal preparation
Nutritious meals are vital to a successful recovery. If you have been prescribed a new diet, let us help. Our caregivers prepare nutritious meals for any diet — even special diets for conditions such as diabetes or congestive heart failure.
Your focus is on your recovery, not housework. Our caregivers take care of typical daily chores, such as vacuuming, washing dishes and cleaning the bathroom.
You may be a little unsteady on your feet as you regain your strength. We can help prevent falls and assist you with movement and walking.
 A line-art icon of a toothbrush alongside a cup of water.
Bathing, dressing and toileting can be difficult. Let our caregivers help you maintain your independence while recovering.

How do I find out what VA or State veterans benefits I might qualify for?

Utah Veterans

Service Offices Are There to Help You

To assist veterans in navigating the complex web of services and benefits available, the Utah Department of Veterans Affairs has Veterans Service offices throughout Utah. This helps ensure services and advice are available to Veterans close to their homes. Information on locations and phone numbers for Veterans Service Officers can be found on the Find a Service Officer webpage of the Utah Department of Veteran Affairs. Veterans Service Officers (VSO) are trained to provide free assistance to veterans and their dependents and survivors. This includes not only applying for federal and state benefits but also providing resources related to the following:

  • Compensation and Pension
  • Health Care
  • Education & Training
  • Employment
  • Burial & Survivor
  • Housing
  • Permits
  • Transportation
  • Military Records
Senior Veteran Man by a Lake with a Military Patch on His Baseball Cap Senior Veteran Man by a Lake with a Military Patch on His Baseball Cap

NOTE: Right at Home is not affiliated with any veterans agencies, offices, or programs. The content of this webpage and its links are for informational purposes only. This webpage is not legal advice or a benefit determination. Your state and federal veterans agencies are the sole determinants of those who qualify for programs, benefits, and other matters determined relevant. Right at Home does not review applications, approve, or deny services. Your state and federal veterans agencies retain sole authority of benefit determinations. If you wish to contact the VA directly, you can do so by calling 800-827-1000 or visiting them at www.va.gov.