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A caregiver in a mask looks at her client while talking to a family member. A caregiver in a mask looks at her client while talking to a family member.

RightTransitions® Reduces Readmissions

Many geriatric patients don’t get the extended care they need after an injury or illness and end up back in your healthcare facility, costing you more resources.

Your organization may be, or already has been, negatively affected by readmissions. Acute care facilities with high rates of avoidable readmissions continue to face penalties, and even risk the elimination of all Medicare payments. Right at Home offers its RightTransitions® program as a solution to help you avoid these penalties and save your organization money.

Caregiver assisting client while he visits with doctor

Key Components of a Successful Transition Program

Empowering your patients with a successful discharge plan that includes RightTransitions can significantly reduce the risk of readmissions and increase overall patient satisfaction with your facility.
Clear Instructions on Post-Discharge Care and Medications
Many seniors contend with multiple chronic diseases, disorders and conditions that require an array of everyday health reminders. The discharge instructions that pertain to their daily health needs can be confusing, and many patients are readmitted soon after discharge due to errors and mismanagement. Right at Home {{CENTER_NAME}} advocates for your patients when it comes to care plans. We provide them with everyday health reminders to help ensure health needs and nutritional supplements are taken on time and refilled when needed.
Enhanced Communication Between Care Providers and Patients
Right at Home {{CENTER_NAME}} coordinates follow-up care, ensures adherence to the care plan and maintains communication with all care providers. The frequent visits by caregivers allow timely notification of any changes in condition. All Right at Home offices are required to be HIPAA compliant.
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Follow-up and Transportation to Physicians
Patients are regularly scheduled for follow-up appointments with a primary care physician or specialist before they’re ever discharged. Many never make it to their appointments due to lack of transportation, or they simply forget about their scheduled visit. Right at Home works with care providers, patients and their families to ensure the patient makes it to these critical follow-up appointments. We coordinate with our caregivers and a patient’s support system to have someone scheduled to attend appointments so important information is captured.
Provide Proactive Solutions
No two patients need the same kind of care. We coordinate between providers and patients to ensure patient needs are met. Your patients may need meals prepared for certain dietary restrictions. We can easily help them prepare those meals. Perhaps they need ambulatory assistance to lessen the likelihood of a fall that could lead to a re-injury and readmission. We do this every day. Regardless of what your patients need to ensure they are safe and healthy outside of your care, there’s a good chance it’s something we provide to thousands of people every day.
Caregiver helps senior out of car
Caregiver helps senior out of car

Feedback From Our Professional Partners

"RightTransitions help cut the hospital's overall readmission rate in half — from 33% to 17%. Having continual communication with someone who is in the house is a game-changer. "
Kathryn Watts
Director of Medical Social Services

Feedback From Our Professional Partners

"Working with Right at Home reduced readmissions within this program by 65%."
Case Management Director

Transitional Care Improves Patient Outcomes and Your Bottom Line

Acute care providers like you recognize the value of supervised care transitions provided by trained, reputable providers to safeguard against unnecessary readmissions. Right at Home is at the forefront of these providers. We work with you, the healthcare continuum, your patients and their families. We work to reduce your readmission rates, lower costs associated with readmissions and enhance your reputation for providing quality patient care. Whether you currently have a transitional care program or not, our caregivers can improve your patients’ recovery, as well as improve your bottom line. Our customizable care model includes the right services necessary to help patients transition safely out of your facility.
Care Transitions Graphic Care Transitions Graphic

RightTransitions Praesent Iaculis Purus Vehicula Tempor Finibus

In 2010, Right at Home in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, launched one of the very first transition programs. The goal of the program was to ensure patients had the support they needed to stay safely in their home and reduce readmission.

Since that time, many in the healthcare continuum have created programs to assist with transitions from acute care to home – all in the interest of reducing readmissions and improving patient outcomes.

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More recently, Right at Home of Columbia, South Carolina, partnered with the Lexington Medical Center in Columbia to introduce a transition program that benefited providers, payers and patients, with the goal to reduce preventable 30-day readmissions for high-risk patients.

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Whether you currently have a transitional care program or not, our caregivers can improve your patients’ recovery, as well as improve your bottom line.

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