Committed And Engaged With Our Community
Right at Home Springfield understands seniors' connections and relationships are key to a happy life. As an in-home care company, we also know that OUR strong connections and relationships in the community are key to ensuring seniors get the resources, education, and care they need to thrive. We are committed to being an engaged and active member of our community, contributing to the fabric of its success.
"Sharing Our Values, Our Lives, Our Community"
A Great Time At Cox Health Case Management Vendor Fair
Right at Home Springfield's Ashwin Modayil, MHA, MPH, Amanda Modayil, and AJ Van Camp joined the Cox Health Case Management Vendor Fair at the CoxHealth Medical Center. "We believe vendor fairs and other focused community gatherings offer the opportunity for everyone to see and learn about support services in their neighborhood," Ashwin shared. "Right at Home is able to talk about important health and living options help clients improve their health, discuss financial grants for medical care, and share information on fund life-saving technology." The fair lets all of the various programs and companies to provide information on community health programs, while also interacting with caregivers and potential caregivers about jobs and careers. Many even offer scholarships for health professionals.
A great time was had by all, and most importantly the community better understands what's available to them to help live long, healthy, happy lives!

Our 2020 "Grab & Go Christmas Lunch & Gift" Celebration
Right at Home Springfield's owners Ashwin and Amanda Modayil hosted the company's first Christmas Party — the "Grab & Go Christmas Lunch & Gift" — for their caregivers.
Because of COVID, it was 'grab and go' for safety. Caregivers stopped by the office off-and-on during the day to fill as many 'to go' boxes they could from the Chinese buffet spread. Plus, each caregiver received a $50 gift card.
"As you can see from the pictures, our kids Rohan and li’ll George had a wonderful time too! We also had one of our honored veteran clients come in with his caregiver Michelle. He shared with us that he thought everyone goes above and beyond' as a company," said owner Ashwin Modayil. He added, "Amanda did so much to pull this off for our office. Not only did she orchestrate the event, she made all those wonderful cookies that were thoroughly enjoyed by all!"
"It was a special day to show our appreciation of the many caregivers that make Right at Home Springfield a premier home care provider," Amanda said. "We received such positive feedback! It was so fun."
"Thank you to all of our caregivers for standing strong and meeting the challenges of 2020. We appreciate you!" — Ashwin & Amanada Modayil

Senior Age Vendor Fair in Springfield
Amanda and I had a really good time at the Senior Age Vendor Fair in Springfield where we got to meet several reputable vendors serving the area. Many of our new friends stopped by to talk to us as well, especially with the added benefit of holding baby George!

Walmart Tribute to Veterans in Branson
Ashwin, Rohan, and Amanda all volunteered to serve lunch at the 9th annual Walmart Tribute to veterans on November 10th at the Shoppes at Branson Meadows. The local Walmart, Walmart truck drivers, and distribution centers invited veterans to join 2,000 veterans and their families to experience fun, fellowship, entertainment and free lunch.