Caregiver Appreciation
Caregivers Are the Heart and Soul of Right at Home Springfield
Right at Home Springfield's mission is to improve the quality of life for those we serve. We succeed through teamwork and having the best caregivers in the industry. Their professionalism, training, compassion and commitment to our clients and our clients' loved ones is unparalleled and we appreciate all they do. Every year, every month, every day we appreciate our outstanding Caregivers who are going above and beyond to create an amazing experience for our clients in Springfield and its surrounding communities. We truly value our outstanding people. Who knows, maybe a career as a caregiver is right for you!
Helping Others While Having Fun!
"Right at Home is a really great place to work! I enjoy my job and the owner Ashwin cares a lot about all of us. Plus, the care team and office staff are great . . . love all you guys! I get to actually help seniors and adults with disabilities in need, all while having fun with them. Some are really stuck because they don't have any way to get out or can't afford it. It's part of my job to help them get out of their houses and see a bigger world than they normally could without me. It means so much to me!" — Jesslyn, Caregiver with Right at Home
"You Are What Makes Our Mission Possible"
Caregiver Spotlight – Pam Bunn
"Pam stands out in the way she cares for her client Charles – once a homeless veteran. Before we started his care through the Vet Assist program, he was described to me as being a ‘bit of a challenge’ to work with. Pam took to him like a mother duck does her duckling. She goes above and beyond caring for him, escorting him to all of his doctor’s appointments to ensuring that he gets the right medical care, drives him to church, takes him on his food pantry drives and keeps close tabs on his psychological well-being to ensure he continues to remain functioning and independent in his local community. Recently, she has even set up consultations with the VA Commission so that he can use a VA physician closer to his home. Pam is so essential to Charles’ wellbeing that he has stated on more than one occasion that ‘I simply couldn’t do it without her.’” – Ashwin Modayil, Owner of Right at Home Springfield
Pam is a well-rounded, interesting person and shared with us a little of her life outside of work.
I love art. I like to paint but more recently have had a lot of fun working on diamond art (see an example in the photo below). I also refurbish furniture and am a trained hairdresser. My favorite sports team is the 49ers and I love eating “Flamin’ Hot potato Chips” while watching games.
I have so many good moments with Charles, but going to church with Charles is tops. Charles and I have our own churches. His is 70 miles away and mine is 5 miles away. So we go to mine one week and his the next and keep alternating that way.
My mom inspired me to become a caregiver because she’s a senior and needs the care, and there are other people out there like her. I love helping seniors and getting to hear all their stories.
My advice to anyone providing care, just go with what you gotta do to make it work because sometimes, it’s a little tough.