Specialty Care
Nobody knows what the future will bring, which makes it difficult to prepare. When someone you’re close to has special care needs, you may feel lost and unsure what you should do next. That’s normal. In those times, it’s important to rely on people with the skills and experience to help.
Even though every care situation is unique, Right at Home caregivers are not only trained to be prepared, but they’re trained to help you cope as well, so you can feel comfortable knowing your loved ones are in good hands. Contact us today at (850) 765-4701 to get more information on how we can help you.

Dementia Live Certified Provider
Bringing a Deeper Understanding to Caregivers
Dementia Live is an experiential sensitivity training for care providers, hospitals, community organizations and others who are caring for individuals with Alzheimer's or other forms of dementia. Participants are outfitted with specialized gear and are given a series of specific tasks to perform in the "Experience area." Following the interactive simulation, participants meet with a trainer from AGE-u-cate® to help them further understand what a person who lives with dementia experiences daily.