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Right at Home LLC. Policy on Website Accessibility


Right at Home LLC. is committed to providing equality of opportunity to persons with disabilities, including equal access to its website.

This policy is a living document that will change over time as IT changes. Ample opportunities for education and communication will occur whenever changes to the policy take place.

Policy Statement:

Right at Home LLC. commits to ensuring equal access to its website.

  • Use web page designs that are consistent with the W3C’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG) Level AA. The goal for Right at Home LLC. is to be reasonably compliant with WCAG 2.0 Level AA.
  • Disseminate electronic documents and multimedia on web pages that are consistent with this policy.


  • Official web pages and associated web-based applications.

Web Page Requirements:

  • All new and revised web pages, website templates, and website themes published on or after the effective date of this policy will reasonably comply with WCAG 2.0 Level AA.
  • On a periodic basis, Right at Home LLC. will review its website for compliance with this policy.


Please be aware that our efforts are ongoing. Complaints regarding accessibility of Right at Home LLC. Web pages should be directed to [email protected] or call 1-877-697-7537.

Effective Date:

This policy will take effect as of the date of adoption.

Date of Adoption and Last Date Updated:

Adopted: July 2, 2018 Updated: September 10, 2021.

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(877) 697-7537

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A female care worker smiling in the background. In the foreground is an elderly female patient smiling back.
A female care worker smiling in the background. In the foreground is an elderly female patient smiling back.

Hear What Others Are Saying

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"They (Right at Home) are convenient and close. They send me good help. The one (caregiver) I have now is very good. I made a list for them to have done and they pay attention to it. They give me showers, get me out of bed, transfer me to my wheelchair and fix my meals. We can hold a conversation which is very important to me. I like that very much. No problems involved, just nice things. They (Right at Home office staff) are friendly, courteous and they listen very intently. They are friendly, precise and know a lot about their job and I really appreciate that. They think about what needs to be done and care about what they do."

Hear What Others Are Saying

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"I would like to take a moment to thank you on behalf of our family. For the past month, your agency has provided in-home care for my father, George F. who passed away....During this time, you provided him four individual caregivers, different, all gifted, and each unique. They all brought something to the table which in his final days, enhanced his quality of life. They were professional, kind and although having different ranges of experience, providing a great level of service which can never go unnoticed."
Bob F.